Does homework promote learning among students?

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There’s no question that plenty of students struggle with the task of completing their homework every day. They argue that it’s boring, pointless, and even unfair to be given work they don’t see a connection to in their everyday lives. However, educators maintain that homework actually helps students learn and remember information long-term—so which side is right? Read on to learn more about whether homework promotes learning among students or not.

Background information

According to a study done by Duke University, homework is associated with better grades, but it tends to have a diminishing effect as students move from elementary to middle school. In other words, while homework can help younger students learn and retain information better, the same is not true for older students.

The study also found that the amount of time spent on homework did not predict how well students would do on tests of achievement. So, while doing homework may help you get a better grade in the class for which you are doing the assignment, it will not necessarily help you do better on standardized tests.

Benefits and drawbacks of homework

Although it may seem like a tedious task, homework can actually be beneficial to students. It allows them to review and practice what they’ve learned in class, and also prepare for upcoming lessons. On the other hand, too much homework can actually have the opposite effect. If students are overwhelmed with assignments, they may start to see school as a chore instead of a learning experience. Therefore, it’s important for teachers to find a balance when assigning homework. The big question we want to answer is this. Does homework promote learning among students?

How much time do kids need to spend on their homework?

A lot of research has been conducted on how much time kids should spend on their homework, and the answer isn’t clear. Some studies say that homework is beneficial up to a certain amount of time (usually an hour or two), after which it starts to have negative effects. Other studies claim that there is no correlation between homework and academic achievement. So what’s the verdict?

Who should be doing the child’s homework?

Parents should not be doing their child’s homework. It is the child’s responsibility to do their own work. However, parents can help by providing a quiet space for the child to work, helping them get organized, and providing encouragement. Research has shown that when parents are involved in their child’s education, the child does better in school. Therefore, it is important for parents to be supportive of their child’s educational endeavors, but not to do the work for them.

How can we help our children with their homework if they struggle with it?

One way we can help our children with their homework is by setting up a regular routine for them. This means having a specific time and place for them to do their work and making sure they have all the materials they need. Additionally, we can provide encouragement and support, but avoid doing the work for them. Finally, we can praise their efforts and progress, rather than simply their grades.

Have fun, don’t work too hard

School is supposed to be a fun place where we learn things that will help us in the future. But sometimes, the school can feel like a drag. Especially when we have to do homework. But does homework actually promote learning? Some studies say yes, and some say no. So what’s the verdict?

End with a summary

In general, homework is seen as a beneficial activity, one that reinforces and enhances what is learned in class. It can help students to better retain information and make connections between concepts. Additionally, it can provide a sense of responsibility and good work habits. However, there is such a thing as too much homework, and it can have negative effects. Excessive amounts can lead to students feeling overwhelmed or stressed, which can impact their ability to learn effectively. The key is finding a balance that works for both teachers and students. In view of the points listed above, does homework promote learning among students? Please, share your view.

6 thoughts on “Does homework promote learning among students?”

  1. If it is not given in moderation, the purpose of homework could be defeated. Teachers should develop a time table for homework. This will ensure a kind of control on the number of homework given to students per day.

  2. Homework should promote learning when used effectively. I have noticed over the years that only a few percentage of my students normally do the given homework on their own. The remaining greater percentage will find a means to copy such homework.

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