5 Tips to Help Your Disorganized Student Get Organized for School

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Students with ADHD, dyslexia and other learning disabilities may struggle to stay organized, even in high school or college classes. If you’re the parent of one of these students, you know how hard it can be to help them stay on top of their schoolwork. This article offers practical tips on how to help your student get organized so they can succeed at school while also reducing their stress levels. Here are 5 tips to help your disorganized student get organized for school.

1) How do I get started?

If your child is having trouble getting organized for school, there are a few things you can do to help. First, sit down with your child and talk about what the problem is. Is there too much to keep track of? Are they having trouble knowing where to start? Once you know what the problem is, you can start working on a solution.

2) Assess where you are today.

Before you can help your child get organized, it’s important to assess where they are today. How do their school materials look? Are their clothes clean and ready to go each day? Do they have a system for keeping track of homework and upcoming tests? Once you have a good understanding of where your child is starting from, you can begin to help them make improvements.

3) Set a Goal.

Trying to get your child organized without a goal is like trying to hit a target without aiming. You need to know what you’re shooting for before you can take steps to get there. So, sit down with your child and help him set some goals. Make sure they’re specific, realistic, and achievable.

4) Consider your obstacles.

Every student and every family is different, so there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to getting organized for school. But there are some basic principles that can help any disorganized student get on track.

5) Don’t forget about rewards.

Let’s face it, getting and staying organized is hard work. It’s important to give your child a sense of accomplishment along the way to help them stay motivated. Try setting up a simple reward system for each task that needs to be completed. For example, after your child finishes their homework, they can get a sticker or mark in their planner. Once they’ve collected enough stickers/marks, they can redeem them for a bigger prize, like extra screen time or a trip to the park.


1. Set up a regular routine for your child including time for homework, studies, and relaxation.

2. Create a designated study area in your home where your child can focus on their work.

3. Develop a system of organization that works for your child and helps them stick to it.

4. Be available to answer questions and offer assistance when needed, but also give your child the space to work independently.

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