5 Ways to Make Students More Responsible for Their Learning

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One thing that teachers often struggle with is getting students to take more responsibility for their own learning. A lot of this has to do with the fact that students are told to listen and absorb what the teacher tells them, rather than figure things out on their own or solve problems collaboratively as they would in other areas of life (like at work). Learning in school can be tough, and it can feel like the teacher is responsible for everything that goes on in the classroom. But responsibility needs to be shared equally between teacher and student, and there are several ways teachers can do this to help make students more responsible for their learning. Here are five ways to make students more responsible for their learning, so they can be active participants in their own education.

1) Have clear expectations

When students know what is expected of them, they are more likely to take responsibility for their learning. Be sure to communicate your expectations clearly and give examples of what you expect.

2) Use Feedback

Feedback is one of the most important tools we have to help students learn.

It provides them with information about their progress and what they need to do to improve. When used effectively, feedback can motivate students and help them see the value in what they are learning.

3) Bring in the Parents

a. Have an initial meeting with parents to explain your expectations and what you plan to do to help their child be successful.

b. Set up regular check-ins with parents so they can see how their child is progressing and offer any support they may need.

c. Keep parents updated on their child’s behavior, both good and bad, so they can help reinforce positive behavior at home.

4) Provide Choices

When students are given choices in their learning, they become more invested and engaged in the material.

This could look like allowing them to choose what topics they want to learn about, what projects they want to work on, or what assignments they want to complete.

5) Motivate with Rewards

Rewarding students for good behavior or work is a great way to encourage them to be responsible for their learning.

Try using a points system, where students can earn points for things like turning in homework on time or participating in class. These points can then be redeemed for prizes, like extra recess time or a chance to choose the activity for the day.


After looking at the 5 ways to make students more responsible for their learning. Do you think that students should be responsible for their own learning? Share your views.

4 thoughts on “5 Ways to Make Students More Responsible for Their Learning”

  1. Feedback is an important tool that every teacher should use effectively.
    Giving students tasks to perform and not providing effective feedback is a waste of energy.

  2. The power of motivation cannot be overemphasized. Teachers should motivate their students to learn,but motivation shouldn’t be abused.

    1. Feedback plays two important rules in teaching and learning. 1) it serves as a reflection tool to teachers. Teachers can use it to determine how well their students understand the delivery of the instructional content. 2) to the students, it is a tool for measuring academic progress. Feedback must be timely and adequate.

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